You can admire beautiful women with more beautiful hairdos and rate their styling.
There are pictures in many categories where you quarry in zest and temper or you rate on a random picturechoice.
The treasure chest for everyone, who do not want to spend money for games. You will find games vom the early eighties up to modern times.
Gamefun is guaranted for everyone for weeks.
Everyone knows them and everyone loves them. Here you can find a small but fine collection and you can browse and laugh sorted by categories.
2007-03-14 9:00 PM
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You can add a link to your site here to if it has to do with hair - you have to sign in as user and under links klick on button "Add link" and type in your data
2005-04-30 3:00 PM
The site has been updated und has partially a new design.
But not all sites have been changed yet.
If anybody has a new idea or finds an error, please send me an email over the link on the left bottom.
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This site agitates about hair. All is fixed with hairspray or hairgel. There are models with hairstyle too. The hair is styled bei a make-up artist or hairdresser or serveral hair-dressers with a suberp hairtechnique and haircosmetic and the style suites you. If the truehair doesn´t suit, extensions, wigs, hairparts oder syntetic hair or any needful things from hairshop will help. After bleaching or coloring with haircolor or several haircolours do not forget haircare with shampoo and conditioner.
Long hair should be combed with a hairbrush or otherwise cut off with a scissor or a haircutmachine. Locks and perms are beautiful. Punk or afrolook with braids is not bad too. And the colortype is important. Additionally to hair you can color eyelashes or eyebrows.
You can totally shave your had or only shave parts of your head.